Friday, April 29, 2011


'Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.' Psalm 34:8

'My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?' Psalm 42:2

'I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.' Psalm 143:6

Sometimes our hearts cry out, 'Stop! I cannot go any further, I need a break! I want to be known!' But we as women will often push through and ignore that cry because life makes so many demands on us that we feel we have no choice. But the more we ignore that cry, the more parched we become and the more cracked our lives will appear.

At some point we will have to respond. We will come to a point of crisis. The question then becomes, 'What will we reach for?' Often times we will try and fill that weary spot in our soul with everything BUT the living water.

There is nothing like a warm cup of tea at the end of a long day, or the aroma of a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning, but what our souls are really longing for is to taste and see that the Lord is good.

To stop for a moment and notice the Lord's presence in your everyday. To savor the 'now 'instead of dwelling on the 'what is next'. To think on the Lord as you lift a cup of coffee to your lips anticipating the taste. Could this be how we can 'taste and see that the Lord is good?

What are some ways that you 'taste and see that the Lord is good?'
If you have never contemplated this idea, why not?
Why would you want to 'taste the Lord?'

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